Personal Counseling & Coaching
for a Rich Life


 Life is Vulnerability
Life is Longing
Life is Blossoming

To Choose Life is to open to your human Vulnerability, allowing it to infuse your Heart’s Longing, Blossoming as the realness & courage necessary to truly Live.


“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced”



If you want the richness of life, you must also learn to open your heart to the rawness of life


Life is not what you have, it is what you are. Taking the journey necessary to discern this difference is what determines how full, rich, and rewarding your Life will be.

Choose Life addresses your relationship with Vulnerable Honesty, with your capacity for Self-Embracing, and with your willingness to let Life open you beyond what you can intellectually predict or control.



  • Wanting to embody & leverage the true potential of each day and life opportunities

  • Seeking to live more fearlessly and avoid the regrets of an unlived life

  • Pursuing greater self-respect, dignity, and agency

  • Desiring to grow beyond the destructive & limiting patterns of victimization, domination, and disconnection

  • Longing to experience more natural beauty, richness, connectedness, and depth in their life


Working with Justin was an experience like I could never have imagined nor expected. Coming into the relationship, I was not a fan of "counseling" and only slightly more tolerant of "life coaches" who, in my past experience, would carefully listen to my issues, then offer a neat opinion on what to do, with some pages of homework due next week. But then I read about an interesting dude out in California with a different take on things so thought I'd give his way a try.

Our sessions opened a new path of my thinking. As if there was a fork to take when making decisions, A or B, but now there is a new carved choice because of our work... a "C path" that is still new and being explored, but it wasn't even on the map before. That's cool to me. 

It wasn't about "tell me what troubled you this week" or "how is work going" or "let's explore why that specific event is causing you issues." It was more of learning about tools and about how humans interact with ourselves, our spirits, our environments and becoming more in tune with that and less in control of the outcomes of it all. This deep work is lasting and won't have you filling in bubbles on random personality quizzes... but you'll know more about yourself when you're done than you ever thought possible (and that will help you relate to the ones you love in a more full and enjoyable way, I promise.)

I can't say enough about Justin. His genuine nature and caring attitude guided me on a fresh journey that was perfect for the moment in life that I needed right then. Daily I think of something he taught, always aware of keeping my aperture open and accepting, and I'm thankful for what he brings to this world. I'm so grateful for the time I got to spend mentoring under him and am happy to call him a friend and brother.

Kansas City, Missouri



  • For a deep dive into the Choose Heart approach, see our Method page

  • This is completely dependent upon you and the various concerns you have. Generally, I meet with my clients for at least a few months, anywhere from two to eight times each month.

  • Well, if you are already on this website and asking this question, chances are you could stand to benefit in some way from taking a next step.

    With that said, there is no automatic way to determine exactly what kind of support you would most benefit from.

    This is why I always recommend starting with the consultation session, offered at no cost and with no obligation to continue.

  • The rate for session time is $200/hour.

    Any additional service time, such as phone calls beyond 15 minutes, is calculated on the basic $200/hour rate.

    Choose Heart maintains a temporary Financial Assistance option for those in significant financial hardship.

  • Choose Heart does not participate in any HMO/managed care insurance panels.

    However, if you use a PPO insurance plan, EAP, or HSA, we can provide you with monthly invoices for you to submit to your insurance provider for partial or full reimbursement.

    FSA and HSA accounts can also be accepted through our Square payment portal.

    Finally, we maintain a temporary Financial Assistance option for those in significant financial hardship.