Be Empty


Be empty
You will survive
Having nothing to show for yourself
I promise

What you think you are worth
Has no value here anyway


Be empty
Laugh & shake your head
At your ridiculous attempts
To improve upon
This shooting star
Passing through the night sky

Is already


Be empty
Trust fall
Into this now
Softening & smiling
On the way down

What you have always been
Beneath what you thought you were
Will catch you


Release the reigns
Even if just for a moment
Let this living happen

Lose your insistence
Of what must be
So life can fill you
With the pleasure of its passing


Relax your ambition
To capture the moment
To keep it as a specimen
Pressed under the glass
Of your clotted comprehension
Preserved yet dead

Call out
With unflinching love
Your secret demands
That life be no bigger
Than your understanding of it
And no smaller
And no different

Give them all up
In a fit of sanity


Be empty
The less you put between
Yourself and the Heart of the World
The better for us all


The Law of Shadow


Take Heart