The Law of Shadow


If you wish to live
In the radical natural freedom
Of being human

Turn your heart towards
What you secretly run from
In yourself


Welcome your weaknesses
And discover the surprising strength
Born of ending self-avoidance
And undefendedly entering your life

Open to your fears
Finding room for the vulnerability
That kindles courage
Infused with tenderness

Invite your irritations & frustrations
Into the warm home of your heart
Enjoying the high drama
Of the tall tales
They tell you

Sweep the dust from your inner shrine
And prepare the seat of honor
For the rejection & refusal
That comes bearing the sacred gifts
Of self-acceptance & allowance

Eagerly inhabit your inhibitions & limitations
Revealing the unrestricted freedom
That you are
When you finally yield
To being all of you


If you wish to rest
In natural great love

Do not condemn
What you desire to change
In yourself, in another, or in the world

Do not evade
Contact with it
Do not avoid
Being truly touched by it

Inhabit it with the broken-open heart
That knows the secret names
Of living & dying

Draw near to what you wish to change
Such that in the end
It changes you


How to Suffer


Be Empty